Delaware River Streambank Restoration Program
What it is:
A phased program to stabilize eroding banks along the Delaware River. Primary goals are to alleviate streambank erosion, reduce downstream sedimentation of Perry Lake, improve water quality and protect valuable farmland.
What has been accomplished so far:
More than 3 dozen individual stabilization projects will have been implemented by the end of 2014. The majority of the projects are along a reach of the Delaware River stretching from Highway K-20 in southern Brown County to Half Mound Road in northern Jefferson County. Six additional projects are planned for Muddy and Straight Creeks, major tributaries of the Delaware River.
*Reduces streambank erosion
*Prevents loss of valuable farmland
*Reduces sedimentation of downstream lakes and maintains lake water storage capacity for future water users
*Protects recreational resources
*Reduces negative impact of sediment on aquatic species
*Reduces stream channel degradation which helps maintain groundwater levels
*Restores riparian forest resources and benefits wildlife
*Reduces pollution from other soil-attached pollutants
What practices are being used to stabilize streambanks:
The following practices are components of most projects:
*2009 American Recovery and Restoration Act (ARRA)
*Kansas Water Pollution Control Revolving Loan Fund (KWPCRF) through the Kansas Dept. of Health & Environment
*Kansas Water Office
*Kansas Dept. of Agriculture, Division of Conservation
*Kansas Forest Service
*Individual Landowners
*Private Engineering and Design Firms
*Delaware River WRAPS and its sponsoring agency, Glacial Hills Resource Conservation & Development Region, Inc.