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Misc. Projects

Cover Crop Initiative

Cover crops provide tremendous water quality benefits, improve soil health and can increase farm profits while lowering input costs. 

The Cover Crop Initiative provides funding for producers in designated WRAPS priority areas who want to experiment with or demonstrate how cover crops can work on their farm. 

WRAPS also has a network of experienced producers and other individuals that can assist farmers who have questions and need information about growing cover crops.  Advice on cover crop mixes, planting rates, how to use covers in a grazing system and other topics is available.

For more information about WRAPS funding for cover crops, click on the Cost Share tab or contact the WRAPS Project Coordinator (see Contact tab).

Information & Education Programs

Delaware River WRAPS hosts a variety of workshops, tours, seminars, school programs and other Information & Education (I&E) programs.  The events that are offered vary depending on availability of funding and watershed needs.  Below are examples of past I&E offerings:

  •          Watershed tours -- typically day-long tours by bus of projects completed in the watershed
  •          Workshops and seminars -- topics related to livestock production, cover crops and other topics
  •          Programs for school and civic groups -- provided at no cost on topics of interest available upon request
  •          Teacher workshops
  •          Newsletters




Rain Gardens and Rain Barrels

Delaware River WRAPS promotes the use of rain gardens and rain barrels to reduce stormwater runoff, especially in towns and cities in the watershed.  Both rain barrels and rain gardens put a former waste product (stormwater runoff) to good use, providing water for gardens and landscapes while protecting streams and beautifying neighborhoods.

Informational resources on rain barrels and rain gardens are available. Click the “Library” tab in the navigation bar above or click on the “Contact” tab to request additional information.


A Rain Garden
is a landscaped area, usually located in a shallow depression that absorbs rainwater that runs off of roofs, driveways, sidewalks and streets. Rain gardens increase groundwater supplies, reduce stormwater runoff, erosion and flooding and decrease pollution by quickly absorbing rainwater into the ground. They are a simple, beautiful way to protect local water supplies while improving neighborhoods and the environment.


A Rain Barrel is a large barrel or other container installed beneath a gutter downspout on a house or other building to capture rainwater that runs off the roof. The stored water can be used to water gardens and flower pots, saving the homeowner money on their water bill. Rain barrels should be fitted with an overflow mechanism to handle excess water when runoff is greater than the barrel’s capacity.