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Welcome to the Delaware River Watershed


The mission of the Delaware River Watershed Restoration and Protection Strategy WRAPS is to provide a framework for the implementation of water quality improvement practices and behaviors in the Delaware River Watershed. This will be accomplished by providing technical, informational, educational and financial assistance to stakeholders in the watershed to implement Best Management Practices (BMPs) that protect water resources. The goal of Delaware River WRAPS is to make the watershed a place where people work together to sustain mutual economic and environmental well-being so that clean water and healthy habitats exist for human and wildlife communities.

The Plan

The Delaware River WRAPS plan is available for download as a PDF (8.41 MB). The plan includes detailed information about and water quality concerns for the watershed. It also specifies goals and objectives for addressing those concerns, a timeline and costs expected to achieve stated goals.

Watershed Area

A watershed is the area of land that water flows across or under on its way to a stream, river, lake or ocean. The Delaware River Watershed is therefore the area of land in Northeast Kansas that water flows across or under on its way to the Delaware River, an area of over 1,150 square miles. The Delaware River terminates at its confluence with the Kansas River south of Perry Lake Reservoir near the city of Perry, Kansas. A detailed map (1 MB) of the area is available for download.

Delaware River WRAPS

Delaware River WRAPS (Watershed Restoration and Protection Strategy) is a water resource program that is sponsored by the Glacial Hills Resource Conservation & Development Region, Inc, a regional conservation and rural development organization organized as a non-profit 501(c)3 corporation under the laws of Kansas.  The Delaware River WRAPS program was started in 2005 and is directed by an 11-member Stakeholder Leadership Team (SLT).  Members of the SLT are watershed stakeholders - i.e. individuals who live in, own land in or work in the watershed area. See the Contact tab for a list of current SLT members.